Мокап дизайна сайта для сервисного центра по ремонту стиральных машин. Разработка сайта в Тильда и Фигма.
Project task
Develop a website for residential and commercial renovation company ProjectServis on Tilde. It was necessary to tell about the services and advantages of the company, show the portfolio, place a quiz to calculate the cost of repair.

Target action: Registration for repair.

It was designed by Figma and built by Tilda.

Link to the project: www.proectservice.ru/
Main page
Mobile version
Tile design allows structuring information and placing emphasis points.
The dark background on the second block attracts attention and adds novelty.
Geometric figures with rounded corners are used throughout the site.
Throughout the site is used pattern with crosses for tiling, which supports the repair topic and makes the background more interesting.
The logos of the partners are grey color, when pointing the logo is painted in the company’s corporate color. This technique allows to remove unnecessary color noise and maintain the overall style of the site.